This is Two: A Quarantine Birthday

I took the day off of work to celebrate my best girl with visits from family and what a wonderful, sunny day it was - a needed bit of lightness after heavy few weeks - filled with happiness, family visits, sparkles and LOTS of pink. And gratitude.

I wanted to share a letter for my beautiful girl on her second birthday and some fun party photos…

My dear, my world. 

It often does not feel real that you are mine. That I am a mommy to such a bubbly, endlessly happy, giggly, silly, charming, bossy, sassy, sensitive, smart, sweet, chatty and beautiful girl who surprises us daily and brings everyone abundant joy.

Two years ago you barreled into this world - with daddy speeding down the highway shoulder in Chicago’s Friday rush hour traffic and being stopped by the police as you were determined to arrive promptly on your due date. And that you did - 06.08.2018 - and we were blessed with a healthy blue-eyed redhead girl (surprise!) who was perfect.

Fast forward two years, you:

-Adore and worship your brother, always asking where he is, what he is doing 

-Are a champion sleeper - thank goodness - with us having to wake you up sometimes by noon! (Though I have an inkling that you typically wake up in your crib around 9 a.m. and play quietly with friends, and likely then doze off.)

-Are often the happiest when at the kitchen table with your food and take it very seriously (and are hopeful that your peanut and egg allergies have reduced in severity; to be unveiled at an upcoming overdue allergist appointment)

-Speak in full sentences, can say the alphabet, count to ten and beyond and surprise us with lines like “It’s so sunny outside,” “I want to go to Ian and Alex’s house today and play”

-Wag your pointer finger when you don’t like something; “uh-uh, Momma” and also proclaim “stop copying me” when I repeat a word (which is usually to confirm what you are saying) 

-Love looking at pictures and videos of yourself and your brother; studying them and absorbing them intently 

-Understand when you need to go potty and let us know when you need to poop (though we haven’t fully committed to potty training… as mommy and daddy simply aren’t willing to add this task during quarantine with two working parents with no childcare the past three months) 

-Love to dance, wiggle and run to where you are going and raise both hands enthusiastically when you want to do or want something

On this birthday, sweet girl, I hope it was everything “Minnie” that you wanted. We love you endlessly. And are excited to see you grow into a kind, inclusive girl.

Below are some photos of your happy day. (And mom tip: a helium tank is a worthwhile investment!)


ONEderland First Birthday

I love a good party. I love crafts. I love to create. I’d like to think I have a good eye for design, it’s some of what I studied in college (and, hello, AP Studio Art in high school).  I catch myself in a happy place when I’m creating, when ideas pop into my head and I put my hands into action. So it makes sense that I love designing events.

I was excited to put together a party for my sweet daughter’s first birthday at our home. My husband firmly directed that we, ahem, I, to not put on such an extravaganza as we had for our son’s “Hole-in-ONE” Masters-themed first birthday at a cool West Loop (Chicago) restaurant with open bar. Photo below.


With a now three-year-old, full-time job, commuting to the city, schedules, other household needs, yadda yadda it was a challenge to get everything done. Sure, I would have liked to have a few more things come to life, but I think it turned out pretty sweet. And I was grateful for some work PTO to get errands done!

My daughter’s room is a mix of Alice-in-Wonderland-meets-Secret-Garden with whimsy elements, blush tones, rich greens a special Alice in Wonderland vintage book (proudly on display from my late grandfather!), drawings and trinkets. This influenced the “Sydney’s ONEderland” theme - and, hey, it’s a bonus to use and repurpose party items permanently in her room. 

I am a big Disney lover but the pink striped Cheshire Cat movie creative wasn’t what I had in mind. So I went down the Pinterest hole and scoured Etsy shops and found some perfect Alice-party brands and decor that fit my vision. 

Now, for a first birthday, one must have an optimal photo area for the “first cake.” I had something in mind and nothing that a few trips to craft stores couldn’t solve. The “grass” background, oversized blooming flowers, garden decor, paired with the vintage Alice images and custom Sydney golden wooden whimsy-lettered sign (found on Etsy here) was the perfect backdrop.


The cupcake stand with favorites from a local shop (Baker Boys in Ravinia District) of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles and black and white frosting atop banana chocolate chip cupcakes turned out as a perfect scrumptious display. More cupcakes with the known “eat me” in gold glitter with pink ribbons were a great topper.


With an Alice theme, had to infuse tea party elements into the display table and found some darling succulent-filled gold and mixed-pattered teacups as accessories. 

You can’t forget the Mad Hatter, so I tapped my father-in-laws’ calligraphy skills for the “In This Style 10/6” top hat note. I paired some fitting colored sashes around the top hat thanks to an afternoon fabric department spree, full of ribbons and tulle that I hand-picked for her “high chair” banner — of warm pinks, white blue, and checkered tones and a golden “one” overlay. Want a mom hack?! Depending on your high chair brand, use tiny Command hooks and strategically put them under the table portion. The weight of string banner will push forward and stay generally well (better than tape, I think). 

Check out more photos below of the party details.


Year One...

It's been one year since our sweet man arrived (4/4/16 @ noon). And it's true what they say - it goes by quickly! Like at lightning speed, people... just yesterday we were driving little man home from the hospital. 


I've read numerous mom websites and blogs with first year lists of "things I've learned" or "I survived XX" or "tips" and felt inspired to share some of my own memories, thoughts, notes and randomness. 


Here is my list of 365 things... just kidding. However, here's a lot, enjoy. 



-It's ok to have baby blues, those trying, "I just can't do this" moments and just cry it out... a LOT. It will happen. Have faith that it gets better. 

-Take time for yourself... your baby should have one-on-one dad/partner time  

-Accept that your body will never be the same  

-Trust your mom instinct - it magically appears and is usually right. 


-A little Facetime with family never stunted a baby's development 

-Pick a few blogs, apps that you like and stick with them for information - most are pretty exhaustive. Too much information is just overwhelming.

-Grateful for only one ER visit which resulted in double conjunctivitis, ear infection and croup... all at the same time, poor guy. It was scary and he did better than mom and dad. 

-You WILL make it through long road trips and plane rides (we visited Boston, Washington D.C., Park City) where only 1.5/6 of those flights was a disaster

-You will appreciate your parents more - think it's nearly impossible not to. Tell them you love them. 

-I've already forgotten about the endless nights of exhaustion, despair and no sleep - guess that's how people have more kids! 


-When I stopped pumping at eight-and-a-half months (yes, that half-a-month is important!), it changed my life. Despite months after baby, I finally felt like a real person and like a weight was lifted.

-When you can't keep the milk supply up, it will be sad. (I may or may not have freaked out when I had one frozen bag of milk left.) It's ok and little man accepting formula was easier than I thought. Fed is best. 

-You might need to pump in the most obscure places (most memorable: a NASCAR racetrack with 160,000 attendees cheering in the distance)

-It is possible to carry on 104 ounces of formula on a plane (!)


-Get an extra bouncer chair for your bathroom so you don't have to lug myriad apparatuses throughout your home (I've seen them for as low as $20-$30). A few minute shower is a day changer... (see my previous post here about some of my baby gear favorites)


-No baby exploded from eating a non-organic piece of fruit or cracker

-Babies will survive licking and biting dog bones and toys  

-Carbs, carbs, carbs is the name of the game

-Husband suddenly stuck a finger full of peanut butter in his mouth at a Halloween party for his first time. I don't advise that route but all was ok. There were doctors in the room. 

-Offer them different foods, textures and flavors (while who knows if my little man will be a good eater when he's a toddler), I do believe that food opens up their world. If they reject at first, try again. And again. And again.


-There's been only one public occurrence of runny diarrhea onto white pants while at a trendy outdoor summer bar (note: a Dreft or Tide pen is a diaper bag MUST.)

-We avoided poop in the bathtub and in the bathroom-to-nursery transport. For that I am grateful 

-Experienced only one spout of projectile vomit... at home, avoiding the bed, carpet and walls (who knew such a little person could output so much?!)  


-Snap photos of you and your little one - puffy, pale and all  

-Do not let daycare teachers style your child for school pictures, lesson learned (he looked like a 60 year-old accountant) 

-Take pictures of their feet, hands, and toes. 

-Amazon Photo is your friend... most moms have an Amazon Prime membership, so Amazon Photo is FREE! Unlimited storage, hooray! 


-Do what feels right for YOUR family and base your selection on that, not anyone else's... same goes for your doctor

-Your child will do better than you do at the first day of daycare. Throw tissues in your purse. 

-We received a handful of "incident" daycare reports... falling, bumping, blood and the like. It's normal. 


I could go on and on. In closing, you will never experience love like this and won't remember your life without this little human. Sometimes when you look at them, your body will ache with love. Cherish the quiet, giggly and happy moments - allow them to consume you. Enjoy the magical journey. 

Photo: Chad Husar Photography (taken October 2016 - 6.5 months old) 

Photo: Chad Husar Photography (taken October 2016 - 6.5 months old) 


A New Journey

To say that the last three weeks have been the biggest daze is an understatement.


From my first hospital stay to the helpless, hopeless and frustrated feelings the first week home to new cries, moans and yawns, it's been a veritable adventure but with a boundless increase of love.  


The world will never be the same as my husband and I welcomed a new life on April 4, 2016, promptly at noon (on the dot!) with a healthy baby BOY. It's been a wild ride but the sweet face has certainly changed all of us. 

Photo credit: Bella Baby

Photo credit: Bella Baby



Home Stretch

Wild how pregnancy has flown by. I'm 36 weeks, and each day is a different challenge! 


Overall, I'm grateful for my journey although there have been bumps in the road.


First trimester was ridden with nausea round the clock (thank you, diclegis!) and bizarre food aversions (chicken, broccoli, meat = vomitous) and some extreme bouts of exhaustion. Also, we didn't quite know how far along we were at the beginning - we were anxious to tell folks but ended up having to wait a bit longer after confirming baby's gestational age. 


Second trimester things looked up with more energy but towards the end I was diagnosed with pelvic separation. Not a rare symptom, but essentially the front joint of the pubic bone separates - it was painful to stand up, walk and I quickly got diagnosed and started PT which did wonders. We had some scary doctor's visits as well - had to get three extra ultrasounds to check on a heart photo that one of the Northwestern specialists (as the OB doctors office sends out) wasn't pleased with. Per multiple images, one of the heart ductus' looked abnormal, small. After many total hours of ultrasounds, different angles with different machines, and seeing the specialist himself combined with checking with the Northwestern Prentice fetal carioligist specialist, he confirmed the baby's heart was great. A great relief. 


Now in the third trimester I was lucky to get a 33 week ultrasound (hey, extra photos!) to check if the placenta had moved up - as it was low in earlier ultrasounds - and indeed it did. Given I'm less than one month until due date (eek!), I'm seeing the doctor every week. The pressure is down there when I walk (welcome to waddling), my ears are popping like crazy (extra fluid everywhere!), I'm apparently snoring (sorry, hon), cannot wear my wedding ring (hooray for bloating!) and the heartburn is increasingly unbearable at night. 


More to come, can't wait for Baby R to get here!  


Bathroom bumpie @ 34 weeks  

Bathroom bumpie @ 34 weeks  

Lounging with my bump, babe and sweet Winnie. 

Lounging with my bump, babe and sweet Winnie. 
