This is Two: A Quarantine Birthday

I took the day off of work to celebrate my best girl with visits from family and what a wonderful, sunny day it was - a needed bit of lightness after heavy few weeks - filled with happiness, family visits, sparkles and LOTS of pink. And gratitude.

I wanted to share a letter for my beautiful girl on her second birthday and some fun party photos…

My dear, my world. 

It often does not feel real that you are mine. That I am a mommy to such a bubbly, endlessly happy, giggly, silly, charming, bossy, sassy, sensitive, smart, sweet, chatty and beautiful girl who surprises us daily and brings everyone abundant joy.

Two years ago you barreled into this world - with daddy speeding down the highway shoulder in Chicago’s Friday rush hour traffic and being stopped by the police as you were determined to arrive promptly on your due date. And that you did - 06.08.2018 - and we were blessed with a healthy blue-eyed redhead girl (surprise!) who was perfect.

Fast forward two years, you:

-Adore and worship your brother, always asking where he is, what he is doing 

-Are a champion sleeper - thank goodness - with us having to wake you up sometimes by noon! (Though I have an inkling that you typically wake up in your crib around 9 a.m. and play quietly with friends, and likely then doze off.)

-Are often the happiest when at the kitchen table with your food and take it very seriously (and are hopeful that your peanut and egg allergies have reduced in severity; to be unveiled at an upcoming overdue allergist appointment)

-Speak in full sentences, can say the alphabet, count to ten and beyond and surprise us with lines like “It’s so sunny outside,” “I want to go to Ian and Alex’s house today and play”

-Wag your pointer finger when you don’t like something; “uh-uh, Momma” and also proclaim “stop copying me” when I repeat a word (which is usually to confirm what you are saying) 

-Love looking at pictures and videos of yourself and your brother; studying them and absorbing them intently 

-Understand when you need to go potty and let us know when you need to poop (though we haven’t fully committed to potty training… as mommy and daddy simply aren’t willing to add this task during quarantine with two working parents with no childcare the past three months) 

-Love to dance, wiggle and run to where you are going and raise both hands enthusiastically when you want to do or want something

On this birthday, sweet girl, I hope it was everything “Minnie” that you wanted. We love you endlessly. And are excited to see you grow into a kind, inclusive girl.

Below are some photos of your happy day. (And mom tip: a helium tank is a worthwhile investment!)
