Whirlwind at Heart

Cannot believe that I haven't posted here in months! Argh, I'm awful - let's reset, shall we?! But where do I begin? 

Perhaps with the fact that I'm currently 39 weeks and four days pregnant? That our now two-year-old son has been boycotting naps and not sleeping? Or perhaps that my husband had open heart surgery weeks ago? Or that we're still living with my parents because our renovations to our home aren't complete?

They say life is crazy and I'm in no business of comparing to others but I know I'll look back at this time and simply think: what the.... ?! 

I'll share something that I posted on social media surrounding my husband's surgery. How do you share the news with friends, colleagues and more of a monumental life happening? Not sure of the right answer but here's what I shared (with a few tweaks)...

Tomorrow morning, my 35-year-old husband will have open heart surgery to repair a “4 out of 4” severely damaged valve and other associated complications. It’s still surreal to say and type. Mere weeks ago, we were focused on final remodeling decisions for our new home, a growing belly (32 weeks now), preparing for our son’s 2nd birthday, childcare for baby no. 2, busy summer work seasons and more... while these life pieces still stand, our world was additionally turned upside down.

The past weeks escalated quickly filled with myriad appointments, tests, doctor consults, expert opinions from across the country (literally - Dr. Craig Smith, Bill Clinton and Barbara Walters’ cardiac surgeon, Dr. Tara Nerula and others), ongoing doctor questions, new developments, switching of doctors/surgery teams, rescheduled surgery date and no shortage of emotional highs and lows. It’s a curious thing when you hear a thud at night and find your 6’3 husband in the best shape of his life lying on a kitchen floor after learning of needed heart surgery, rushing him to the ER and then for weeks thinking any loud noise could be him suffering a stroke or heart attack and not wanting to leave him alone.

There is an odd sense of relief of now having the top Chicagoland team and surgeon performing the surgery (Dr. McCarthy at Northwestern helped develop the ring going into his heart) but there are still many unknowns these next months. We will somehow navigate through. He has been nothing short of superbly amazing; poised, patiently explaining developments to friends and family, coworkers and more. He has been a rock, my rock.

We are grateful for support from many... parents flying back early (we will have all four grandparents help for little man), siblings, relatives, the Zeno and Midmark families, friends and more. Much love and good thoughts and prayers from all. 

Bump pic surgery.jpg